Friday, August 23, 2024

Lorain County Fair 1974

I'll close out Fair Week here on the blog with a look at the 1974 Lorain County Fair.

Here's the full page ad that ran in the Journal on August 19, 1974 promoting the Fair.

With so many big name country music stars scheduled to perform at the Grandstand, a series of individual ads promoting specific acts began running weeks in advance of the Fair.

Here's one for Buck Owens and Susan Raye that ran in the paper on July 31, 1974.

Mel Tillis and Judy Kester were featured in this ad that ran on August 2, 1974.
Those are some pretty big names. The Journal highlighted all of the performers in this article that ran on August 18, 1974.

As noted in the article, also appearing at the Fair was the Dan Fleenor Auto Thrill Show. Dan Fleenor had also been featured at the 1969 and 1972 editions of the Lorain County Fair.

But not all of the Journal articles about the Fair were concerned with upcoming musical acts. Longtime Journal Staff Writer Lou Kepler provided some charming reminisces about Fairs of the past in this report that ran in the paper on August 18, 1974.
Here are a few more 'tall' ads that ran in the Journal for the 1974 Lorain County Fair. I like the groovy clip art of the young couple in the second ad. No fedoras or boater hats there!
And finally, the Journal provided a nice review on August 25, 1974 of the Buck Owens and Susan Raye performance.


Wendy said...

Oh my gosh - I had completely forgotten that my third date with my husband was to the fair to see Mel Tillis. Look at the ticket prices - I was a cheap date! ‘Course, I only made $1.75 a hour at the time. Can’t wait to show him your post today - thanks for all the memories Dan.

Don Hilton said...

A nice series of posts, Dan. Hope you managed to grab some of that Fun Fair Food and that it didn't upset your no-doubt citified digestive system!

Buster said...

Love that Buck Owens - a favorite of mine.

I like how that year you could start Sunday with a church service and end it with the Demolition Derby.