Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lorain County Fair 1964 – Part 1

Today we fast forward ten years from yesterday's post and take a look at the 1964 Lorain County Fair. Above is the full-page ad that ran in the Journal on August 22, 1964.

As usual, I love the clip-art used in the ad, especially of the family. Dad's got his suit and fedora on (I thought that JFK had made hats unpopular?) while Mom's wearing a stylish boater hat. And the sandwich-board-wearing stilt walker has a lit stogie with smoke wafting upwards.

In that same edition of the Journal, a photograph of the new main entrance gate of the Fairgrounds was featured.

The look of the Fairgrounds was slowly evolving into what we see out there today. The article below from the August 1, 1964 Journal revealed some of the new buildings, including new homes for the ponies and rabbits (a must-see during my visit to the Fair each year).

Tomorrow, I'll feature some of the entertainment from the 1964 Lorain County Fair.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I am enjoying this week of fair memories and today’s feature about the animal buildings reminded me of my first visit to the fair - and seeing all the animals that a kid in the Lorain suburbs had never seen close up. Some got a little too close up.
I was about 4 or 5 years old and my little brother, mom, dad and I had just entered the hog building. Someone was stirring a big barrel of what I assume was hog food and the hogs went wild, jumping against their pens, knocking some down. Out they ran, about a dozen stampeding down the aisle. Bigger than me - coming my way. I can still visualize it. I cried- but only until the snot from a sideswiping hog was wiped off my leg.
It’s a beautiful, sunny, perfect day today - see you at the fair!