Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rest Room for Park Scuttled – June 16, 1914

Ever wonder why there's no public rest room in Veteran's Park on West Erie Avenue in Lorain? (At least I don't think there's one there.) The answer might be found in the article below, which appeared in the Lorain Daily News back on June 16, 1914.

As anyone familiar with Lorain's early history probably knows, the park currently known as Veteran's Park was originally intended to be the village's public square. The park changed names many times over the years, being known as Erie Park and later, Washington Park.

Just where that rest or comfort station planned for the city is going to be constructed council doesn’t know, for it has been suggested that a deed to Erie park prevents the erection of a rest station in the park and City Solicitor Van Deusen is looking the proposition up.
When Lorain was known as Charleston a good many years ago, Erie park was planned for the public square, and rules did not allow the construction of any buildings in it. Then when the city obtained the intended square for a park the same regulations held good.
Mr. Lackey, living on the corner of Wicken’s place and Erie has offered to sell the city a piece of ground 12 by 12 feet for the station and to move his house, but his offer is hardly likely to be considered. In the meanwhile action will be delayed while the solicitor is trying to find a loophole which will allow the construction of a rest house in the park.
I guess no loophole was found. Later, a public restroom was built across from the park and just to the east of city hall.
You can see it in the vintage photos below, between City Hall and the Dew Drop Inn.


Anonymous said...

Looks like from the cars in the photos it was taken sometime in the mid-60's. I've been past there a million times and never knew there was a public restroom. What was the tower east of city hall used for? I remember going to the Hobby Shop behind city hall when I was a kid to get my Batmobile model. Todd

Dan Brady said...

Hi Todd,

The tower was used as a Civil Defense lookout. It was previously located in the harbor. Here are links to two of my posts about it:

Anonymous said...

Hello Dan. Very interested in talking to you.