Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Oldsmobile for '64 Ad – Oct. 3, 1963

I've mentioned many times that we were an Oldsmobile family beginning around 1963 or '64. Thus, this ad, which ran in the Journal on October 3, 1963 may very well have influenced my parents. 

The ad features the Olds F-85 on the bottom half of the ad, and that's the model that launched our love affair with the brand. I'm pretty sure ours was a 1964 model year F-85, and it looked pretty much like this (below) if I remember correctly. It was a beige color.

And here's another one.

And here's an ad that I posted previously with an illustration that really resembles our car, since that's the color it was.

I still like the way that car looks. It's not too surprising that my parents eventually settled on the Cutlass as their car of choice, as the Cutlass was part of the F-85 series in the early 1960s. 

Our F-85 became Dad's work car when they purchased a second Olds (a Delmont 88) to pull a pop-up camper on our cross-country trips. (Mom and Dad sold the Delmont to my aunt and uncle in Elyria when it was necessary to buy a car with air-conditioning to cross the desert on an upcoming Western trip. They settled on a Delta 88.)

While my parents bought their first Olds at Kaminski Olds, they eventually bought all their cars – old and used – at Milad's in Amherst on Leavitt Road (Route 58).

That's why I was happy to find this reminder of our Olds heritage (below) in Mom's attic when I was cleaning out her house in preparation for putting it on the market.

I've devoted a few blog posts to my family's Olds fixation, including this one focusing on the Cutlass, and this post putting the spotlight on Kaminski Olds and another F-85 ad.

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