Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Ad – 1972

Here's another nearly-full page ad with a Labor Day theme that ran in the Journal. As I've mentioned before, the appearance of the full-page sponsored ads in the Journal really began to peter out by the time the 1970s rolled around. So this large ad that ran in the paper on Sept. 4, 1972, sponsored by Ohio Outdoor, was the solution.

The Labor Day ad is a salute to policemen in general, which is certainly an appropriate message since they're always working – for the public's safety and welfare in general.

Who could have guessed that more than 50 years later, supporting the police financially would become a somewhat controversial concept?

Anyway, the illustration of the policeman in the ad unfortunately would be seen as dated today. Over the years, the appearance of policemen in general often seems to have gone away from the full head of hair towards the shaven look, sometimes accompanied by a goatee.

It's a long way from the clean-cut look of Officers Reed and Malloy of TV's Adam-12.

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