Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AAUW Tour of Homes Featuring the Burrell Homestead – Sept. 1964

Burrell Homestead on E. River Road, Sheffield Village
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Charles E. Herdendorf)

Back in the 1950s, 1960s and 70s (and possibly longer), the American Association of University Women (AAUW) sponsored a series of fall home tours in Lorain County that usually featured a unique home of historic interest. 

I've written about a few of these tours. The highlight of the 1968 edition (which was also the 10th anniversary) was the Watts Granary on State Route 113. The 1971 tour featured Budmar Farm on North Ridge Road.

And here's a full page article about the AAUW Seventh Annual Tour of Homes, scheduled for October 2, 1965. The article appeared in the Journal on Sept. 25, 1965.

As the article notes, the featured house that year was the Burrell Homestead on E. River Road in Sheffield Village. The report by well-known Journal Staff Writer Lou Kepler provides a nice history of the house, as well as the lineage of the members of the Burrell family who lived there over the years.

The article mentions how the Burrell home was the center of the Sheffield community in the early pioneer days, and that "the first school house also stood nearby and the brick building which replaced the original structure burned in 1940." I wrote about that school house here and here. The second post includes an aerial view of the Burrell homestead and the school, located across from the house on E. River Road, circa late 1920s.

I photographed the Burrell Homestead in winter back here in 2014.

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