Once Vermilion-on-the-Lake was off and running with the initial wave of cottages, it remained for its developers to sell it. The Vermilion-On-The-Lake Company, which was based in Cleveland, ran ads in a variety of Ohio newspapers to both promote the resort community and find representatives to do the selling.
Here’s one that ran in the
Mansfield News-Journal on June 7, 1925, promoting Vermilion-on-the-Lake as “The Atlantic City of Lake Erie.” Clewell Sykes is identified as the President of the company.
Here’s another one that ran in the
Fremont News-Messenger on Thursday, April 8, 1926.
Here’s one seeking a salesman in the Akron area that ran in the Akron Beacon Journal on June 22, 1926. In addition to the clubhouse and beach, amenities now include paved streets, sidewalks, a gun club and tea room.
By the time of this ad, which ran in the Mansfield News-Journal on July 3, 1927, there were now 118 cottages.
And this ad from the News-Journal of August 12, 1927 provides a great progress report of Vermilion-on-the-Lake at that time, with 1087 lots purchased by 800 people from all over Ohio and neighboring states.
This huge ad in the Akron Beacon Journal of April 4, 1928 was seeking a “High Grade Man” and “Local Hustler” to represent the company. Note that there were now 126 cottages built and occupied.

After the 1920s, it appears that the massive sales push for Vermilion-on-the-Lake was largely over. But by then, it was firmly established as a popular summer resort, thanks to the well-advertised dances and social events held at the clubhouse.
Here are some ads for bands appearing at the clubhouse through the years. Note that many ads still mention cottages and lots for sale.
Ad from the Lorain Times-Herald May 1928 |
Ad from the News Messenger of Friday, April 17, 1931 |
Ad from the Sandusky Register, Wednesday, Jan 27, 1932 |
Ad from the Sandusky Register of April 11, 1936 |
Ad from the Sandusky Register of June 10, 1939 |
Ad from the Sandusky Register of March 22, 1940 |
Ad from the Pittsburgh Press of July 21, 1940 |
Ad from the Chronicle Telegram of March 22, 1946 |
Ad from the Sandusky Register of June 30, 1955 |
Vermilion-on-the-Lake voted to merge with Vermilion in May of 1962.
Despite the merger, Vermilion-on-the-Lake remains a unique lakefront community rich in history and atmosphere, anchored by its still-gorgeous clubhouse.
Unfortunately, those waterlines are the same waterlines we still have today. VOL has a couple water main breaks every year.
I find it interesting that they were advertising sidewalks and street lights. VOL is somewhat unique in that the electrical lines run down the back property lines rather than the street. Therefore, there aren't many opportunities for street lights. The one exception to this is probably Edgewater Dr which runs along the lake.
Sidewalks are also very scarce in VOL, but at one time, they must have had them. I poured a concrete driveway in VOL several years ago and we found an old sidewalk about a foot or so below ground level. I would have to assume they had water problems at some point and raised the ground level to prevent their yards from flooding. With that being said, if your looking for a home there, make sure the house sits higher than the street (not all of them do). You don't need any water issues.
Vermilion on the Lake Clubhouse Board of Trustees is tying to put together a photo history of the Clubhouse. If anyone has memories they are willing to share, please email Barb at barb@hjkirbycorp.com or call 440-967-9504.
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