Here are some photos from my vintage brochure of how Cedar Point looked back in 1966. It sure was a different park back then!
According the excellent Images of America Cedar Point book, the Pirate Ride was originally at a park called Freedomland in New York; when that park closed at the end of the 1964 season, the ride was moved to Cedar Point in time for the 1966 season. The Earthquake Ride also came from Freedomland.
At the time of these photos, the Space Spiral was only a year old, having been built in 1965, and the Sky Ride was also fairly recent, dating from 1961.
With the exception of the Pirate Ride, the Earthquake Ride and the Mill Race, all of these rides can still be enjoyed at the park today, according to the Cedar Point website.
Wow, that's really interesting :)
Hey, thanks for the comment! I'm glad you found it interesting.
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