Friday, June 14, 2024

Father's Day Ad – June 15, 1954

Father's Day is this weekend, so here's one of those almost full-page ads with a roll call of sponsors. Many of the iconic Lorain businesses (like Harry's Men's Wear, Sam Klein, Kline's Dept. Store, Rudy Moc) are there, but also a few I've never heard of: The Forecast, at 731 Broadway, which was a "Fine Men's Wear" store; Ostrov's, at 524 Broadway, which was a shoe store; and Pistell & Schneider, located at Broadway and 7th, who were jewelers and opticians.

The illustration in the ad of the typical father reflects the times – sort of a clean-shaven Cary Grant type. The equivalent rendering today would have to include a beard, and perhaps a shaven head.

I think that's too many presents floating around his head in the ad, though. (Fathers never seem to make out as well as mothers do on Mothers Day.) I can't even remember what sort of Father's Day gift we used to give Dad when my siblings and I were kids. I don't think there were many ties, because he didn't wear them that often.

I heard some sort of poll on the radio this week in which many modern fathers supposedly prefer to celebrate their day away from their family. Dad would never have done that. He was the most selfless person I ever knew. The amount of 'stuff' that he owned – mostly things that were given to him or that he saved for sentimental reasons (like this thing) – fit on a small shelf above his workbench.

Anyway, Father's Day is the one day a year that I'm jealous of my two brothers, both of whom along with their spouses raised some great kids. 

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the look of a current day father Dan.Don't forget the tattoo sleeves that everybody seams to have now.And with those reamed out earlobes with holes big enough to stick a couple of fingers in.And maybe a bolt in their nose.That is the modern day father.

Don Hilton said...

Being a good dad outweighs appearance or identity.

Like my dad, I dislike getting gifts of any kind from anybody. Whenever my kids asked me what I wanted (for any holiday) I told them, "change my diaper right away when I'm old so I don't have to sit in it." So far, I've not had to test that out. Hopefully, I never will!

Happy father's day to everyone who was fathered!

Anonymous said...

Hey Don, that's what Joe Biden has his Secret Service detail do for him.They always carry a case full of presidential diapers around with them wherever they go.Then they lay him down somewhere and change him and burp him and then he's ready to go again.

Anonymous said...

As opposed to The Big Orange Felon who hasn't taken a dump in years because he spews so much of it in his day-to-day rants.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that in a show of impartiality you delete the two preceding inappropriate posts. And also this one, because it won't make sense if you do.

Anonymous said...

Presidential Diapers.....I like that.