Thursday, April 29, 2021

Fifty Star Flag Ad – April 4, 1961

If the Democrats succeed in their latest attempt to make Washington, D.C. a state, then the United States is going to need a new flag for the first time since 1960.

As a card-carrying graphic designer (granted, the card says “LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY”), I wouldn’t want to have to design a new flag for the United States with an additional star added. The fifty-star flag is just too perfect, too iconic.

But we went through this flag design process before – 27 times – as this USA Today article points out. And who knows? Maybe one of these years, Puerto Rico will become a state as well.

Anyway, it’s a good time to post this full-page ad sponsored by the Lorain Journal, who was making the then-new 50-state flag available for sale as a patriotic service. The ad appeared in the paper on April 4, 1961.

In that same edition of the newspaper, this article ran on the front page.

It was a pretty good deal, since the kit included everything you needed to hang the flag from your house. And it was nice that the hometown newspaper was doing it as a public service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$3.00 was a very good deal.For an American made,wooden staff with wooden knob topper,double stitched flag kit,all in a nice cardboard box.Now,the flags that are sold are one solid 3x5 sheet of Chinese fabric,with an Chinese aluminum pole with a Chinese produced plastic eagle topper.Wrapped in a Chinese produced clear bag.And the cost is around $8.00-$15.00.So the importers are making a killing as they probably pay their sweatshop workers pennies on the dollar.So much for old glory being produced by the people that defended her.But if anybody would like to get a REAL American flag,produced in America,by fellow Americans just start going to garage sales and estate sales.Alot of older Americans have practically brand new American made vintage USA flags just waiting to be cherished and respected again.And since hardly anyone recites (much less knows) the Pledge of Allegiance anymore,you can pick up a real flag just like the one in the above ad for about the same price as when it was produced.There should be a federal law against any American flag being produced outside of the USA.