Monday, January 28, 2013

1956 Auto Show at Lorain Arena

For many years, the Lorain Automotive Dealers Association held an annual Auto Show. This full page ad promoting the 1956 edition of the event appeared in the Lorain Journal on January 11, 1956 – 57 years ago this month. (Click on the ad for a larger, readable view.)

The big show was held at the old Lorain Arena ( a favorite topic of this blog).

In addition to the new car models, the show had entertainment for everyone. Performing artists included the Tracey Twins (who were from Cleveland), Henry George and his Recording Orchestra, and Stanton and Peddie.

Danny Stanton (left) and Eddie Peddie
Stanton and Peddie? Who were they, you might be asking? (I know I was!)

According to the Arena ad, they were a song and dance, comedy and novelty team who had appeared at the Cleveland Auto Show. They were also leaving for a Las Vegas appearance after their Lorain gig.

This website provides a pretty comprehensive account of Stanton's career. Although his stage name was Danny Stanton, his real name was Pete Argiro. In addition to his partnership with Eddie Peddie, he enjoyed success as a jazz pianist and club operator. He passed away in 2005.

The post-Lorain Las Vegas job must have gone well, as they enjoyed a long run at the Flamingo Hotel, according to the same website.

Anyway, the Arena ad also provides a nice listing of Lorain auto dealers from that era – as well as some bizarre 1950's clip art of a female herald to go with the strange castle and curtain graphics.

Here's another photo of the comedy team of Stanton and Peddie. This one appeared in the January 5, 1956 Lorain Journal along with a short article.

The article noted, "Eddie Peddie, the senior member, is a native of Cleveland. He is a singer and plays a number of musical instruments in addition to being a natural born comic.

"He spent considerable time looking for a partner for a floor show act before he found Danny Stanton, the junior member of the comedy team.

"Stanton and Peddie have appeared with Sophie Tucker and were co-stars on the Page One Ball with Phil Silvers and Johnnie Desmond. They have appeared at Cleveland's Alpine Village many times."


Ken said...

So I wonder who was chosen "Motorama Queen"?

Dan Brady said...

Doggone it! I knew someone was gonna ask that! Little did I know it'd be me own brudder.

I'll have to get back to you on that!

Don Pedicini Jr. said...

Eddie Peddie was my Grandfather (my dad's dad. He was born in Pittsburgh , Pa. and lived in Cleveland for some time. Just a note his mother LaVera Grassler was a Ziegfield Follie. He was on the Ed Sullivan show twice and was a member of the Vagabonds.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Peddie was my stepfather. He married my mother Betty in 1973 and we moved from St Louis to Las Vegas to live with him. He worked as a booking agent for awhile from home and we used to have the entertainers come to the house to practice. I remember his 2 sons… Louie (who was my age) and I think it was ‘Ron’? Who worked as a casino dealer.