Friday, September 16, 2011

Big Admiral Ernest J. King Weekend!

Well, it looks like good weather this weekend for what promises to be the biggest celebration of Lorain's own Admiral Ernest J. King since his namesake high school was dedicated back in October 1961.

The Admiral Ernest J. King Tribute Space (located across from his birthplace at 113 Hamilton Avenue) will be dedicated on Sunday at 1:00 in the afternoon, followed by the dedication of Admiral Ernest J. King Elementary at 2:00 at the site of the former Lorain High School.

If you haven't been down to the Tribute Space yet, here's a sneak preview. (By the way, the final name of the space has not been decided yet.)

Be sure to stop by That Woman's Weblog to read about how the idea for the Tribute Space was hatched by Loraine Ritchey and Renee Dore.

Things are also looking ship-shape over at the Admiral Ernest J. King Elementary. It's good to see one of the old anchors from Admiral King High School, as well as the Ohio Historical Marker, back in action.

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