Home Dairy in Lorain has been a favorite topic on this blog. The owner of the dairy was a good friend of my father, and in fact was his best man at my parent's wedding. So we had Home Dairy milk delivered to our house for years, right into the 1970s. Our house on W. 30th Street even had the little milk box in the garage wall.
Here's my older brother Ken at the table, circa January 1960, with a bottle of Home Dairy milk in the foreground.
Note it has the "Morning - Noon - Night" graphic on it, as shown in the illustration at the top of this post.
Seventy years ago this month, Home Dairy ran the ad below in the Lorain Journal on March 15, 1955. It has a Lenten theme, suggesting to those who might be on a restricted diet due to their religion to eat more dairy products.
March 15, 1955 |
Home Dairy ran a lot of ads in the
Journal in the early 1960s with great illustrations, encouraging people to drink more milk. Maybe it was because the west side of Lorain was exploding with new homes and new kids (future Baby Boomers). Here's an ample sample.
Sept. 20, 1960 |
October 18, 1960 |
Feb. 20, 1962 |
Aug. 7, 1962 |
Sept. 25, 1962 |
July 21, 1964 |
Aug. 11, 1964 |
The Home Dairy ads must have worked, since my siblings and I drank milk at breakfast and lunch, as well as a glass before bedtime with our snack.
I haven't been over to the former Home Dairy building to see if it is still there, but here's a view from 2019.
I still enjoy milk with lunch and supper, but I've had to slip down the "gee, that's good" scale to the no-fat variety. It's not as bad as I thought it'd be, but it ain't no whole milk, for sure.
I used to drink lots of milk, especially chocolate milk, but I let myself drift away to coffee and carbonated beverages; perhaps it's time to raise a glass of that ol' cow wine, and think nostalgic thoughts of Lorain Creamery, and Bob, our Milkman.
Hmmm... Perhaps chocolate Quik would improve my no-fat situation...
As the old Jewish man said, "It couldn't hoit!"
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