As it turns out – amazingly – there are readers in countries all over the world.
Here's a map with an accompanying key showing the geographical areas where the majority of my visitors come from.
As expected, the good old U.S.A. comes in first. But surprisingly, France is second. I guess it's a good thing after all that I took all those years of French class at Masson and Admiral King, in case I want to tailor some specific French content for mes amis dans ce pays.But then it gets kind of weird going down the list to the next in line. Singapore? Austria? Germany? All in the thousands?
Next are Canada and Hong Kong, which are evenly split with 84. I do write a lot about Canada, with posts about Niagara Falls, the Post Shredded Wheat factory, Billy Bee Honey, the Toronto Maple Leafs, Tim Hortons, etc. (All on a blog supposedly about Lorain County, Ohio – yeah, right.) But I'm not sure why Hong Kong has the same identical number.
The rest of the countries are a curious mix.
I'm kind of bumming though. I used to get a lot more hits from Russia back in 2016. I'm not sure why I've losing some of my comrades readers there.
At least some of my relic-tives in Ireland must have read my post about my Irish ancestors.
Keep up your excellent and interesting work, Dan.
They were probably checking to see if you're a near enough relative to try to borrow money from you.
The ones where you get just a few could be search-engine-bots building up results for search engines. But, wow, what diverse readership. All over the world, pal! How about that!
Very, VERY cool 😁!
That's awesome!
Maybe all the ones from France is because there is/was a region called Lorraine in their country. Just a guess.
Thanks everybody for the positive comments! And that's a creative guess about why ze French are coming to thees blog!
Maybe it's all the posts mentioning "French Fries!"
I love reading your posts. Thank you 😊
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