Friday, February 21, 2025

Feb. 21, 1955 Ads

Seventy years ago, the concept of Presidents Day didn't exist yet. Thus Washington's Birthday was celebrated on the actual day: February 22nd. Above you see our old pal Reddy Kilowatt in an Ohio Edison ad that ran on Feb. 21, 1955 in the Lorain Journal, announcing that Ohio Edison would be closed that day.

Here are some more ads that ran in that same edition of the Journal.

It was a holiday, so there was no school. So what were mothers supposed to do with the kids? Why, take them shoe shopping, of course!

But what about the adults who were lucky enough to have the day off? Well, they could go shopping for a used car at Bob Beck Chevrolet. Remember the distinctive OK Used Car graphic shown in the ad?

Days off are always a good day to get some tasks crossed off the list. Perhaps your TV was on the fritz; you could get it repaired by Nelson and Fain Teleclinlic, located at 1755 Oberlin Avenue – the same location much later as the well-remembered, popular Biggy's Pub and Eatery.
Thinking of those poor kids that were forced to go shoe shopping on their day off from school; maybe their mothers felt guilty later, and treated them to the big cartoon marathon at either the Lorain Theatre on Pearl and the Ohio Theatre.
I'll bet the Disney bigwigs would not have been too happy to see Donald and Goofy sharing the bill with what they probably considered lowly cartoon riff-raff: Porky Pig, Woody Woodpecker and Popeye. What, no Tom & Jerry? (Hopefully the theaters didn't pull a bait-and-switch and subject the kids to Casper and/or Baby Huey.)
And for the average Lorainite who wished to celebrate the birthday of the Father of Our Country at the movie theater, there was the city's apparent favorites, the Bowery Boys, at the Dreamland starring in Bowery to Bagdad (as part of an odd double bill with The Caine Mutiny).


Mike M said...

I bartended at Biggy's Pub for a year in 1988-89. Used to pack them in on Monday nights quarter beer night.

Don Hilton said...

Quarter beers? Sheesh. Where I grew up, every Monday would've been a drunken riot. At least.

Mike M said...

oh, it was..........10 oz drafts of Genesee if I recall.

Anonymous said...

How did the name "Biggy" come about.I never frequented bars as I never liked the crowd and the smoke.And I always had a pool table at my place so why go anywhere when you have it all yourself?

Don Hilton said...

And were there a TV playing the football game... no telling what might've happened!

Dennis Thompson said...

The name came from Mark (Biggy) Bigrigg who bought the bar in October, 1984. Before that it was Adam's Cafe.

-Alan D Hopewell said...

THE CAINE MUTINY deserved to billed with something much better than BOWERY TO BAGDHAD.

Don Hilton said...

"This is the engine room; to operate, all you need is any group of well-trained monkeys." Like most jobs, I suppose.