Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov. 23, 1954 Ad from Lorain Journal

Here's wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! It's a great day to give thanks to God for all of our blessings throughout the year.

I hope you are able to spend the day with family and friends, perhaps enjoying a fine meal. If you're not able to be with all your loved ones, why not take the advice of the Lorain Telephone Company mascot and give them a call?


On holidays, I usually post a full-page vintage ad from the Journal with a list of sponsoring companies. This time, there are two of them that ran on Thanksgiving Day 1964. It's always fun to see the roll call of local businesses, and there's a few more successor companies this time than usual.


Rae said...

Happy Thanksgiving to the Brady's!

Dan Brady said...

Thanks, Rae! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

-Alan D Hopewell said...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Don Hilton said...

Happy T-Giving, everyone and I hope the creepy anthropomorphic telephone doesn't give anybody bad dreams. Certainly not as charming as Reddy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Always grateful for this blog!

Buster said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Dan and everyone!

Dan Brady said...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And I'm thankful that you take the time to stop by here!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Let us all reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives and really cherish them.