Thursday, February 15, 2024

Old Log Cabin Fever

Vintage ad from 1949
Well, we've had a steady string of chilly days lately, the kind of weather that makes you cringe at the idea of taking out the trash (and believe me, mine is piling up). If you've got a cold, or worse (like me), you've probably been staying indoors a lot.

You might even be getting a little antsy being somewhat confined to the insides of your domicile. In the old days, we called this 'cabin fever.'  

The cure for cabin fever? Embrace it! After getting comfortable in your best fez and smoking jacket, grab your pipe, a snifter of brandy and the latest Morocco-bound literary volume by Don Hilton and curl up in front of a crackling fire. (Make sure you have a fireplace first.) If you're Mrs. Don Hilton, you might even curl up with Don Hilton himself.

But what if you've got "Old Log Cabin Fever?" 

Well, for that, the best thing is to pour yourself some genuine Old Log Cabin Whiskey. The current owners of the brand had been tinkering with the label design last year. I'm happy to say it's received the most wonderful makeover, that honors its heritage and is a thing of beauty. 

Here's a modern era, pre-design bottle for comparison. Not bad, but the redesign is better.

Your humble blogger, of course, takes full credit as I'm arguably the brand's biggest cheerleader. Google "Old Log Cabin Whiskey" and all of the vintage 1940s & 50s ads from my blog pop up. Some weaselly entrepreneurs have even made 'new' vintage metal signs for sale using the ad artwork that I meticulously cleaned up in PhotoShop!

But even if you don't have any Old Log Cabin Whiskey on hand, you can still get into the spirit of things. For those of you that are interested in increasing your vocabulary, this is for you: a set of ads from that campaign dating from the fall of 1953 into the spring of 1954. I've posted a few before but I think this is all of them.

And to think my interest in this brand is all because of its regular appearances in ads in the Lorain Journal in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. A lot of people around here must have liked it enough to justify the expense of the various long-running campaigns.
Anyway, I have a good buddy in Seattle that I've been threatening to visit one of these years. When I do, I'll have to see if I can make a boozy side trip to where they make this stuff and have a scallywampus time.

5 comments: said...

It is grandacious being mentioned in such a way. Thank you, Mr. Brady.

Though I hope Mrs. Hilton isn't expecting the warmth of a crackling fire from Mr. Don Hilton. He barely has enough blood circulating for himself!

-Alan D Hopewell said...

Scallywampus, y'all!

Buster said...

I would have assumed the copywriter made all those words up, but I actually have heard the term "splendiferous" before. Squinting at the ads I can see the terms came from the American Dictionary of Slang. Looking on Internet Archive, there appear to be several such tomes:

Anonymous said...

Don Draper would have a field day with these catch phrases.And Peggy Olsen would be there right beside him working her charm.

Anonymous said...

Old Log Cabin and Squirt now that's a highball!