Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elks Club Then and Now Part 2

While doing a little research at the Black River Historical Society back in March, I found this undated vintage photo in a collection of Lorain Elks paraphernalia.

Lorain Journal ad from January 1954
I feel kind of sentimental about the Lorain Elks, because my grandfather was a member of that lodge for many years and it meant a lot to him. According to my mother, her father was a "hail fellow well met" type of guy, who enjoyed stopping at the Elks lodge on the way home from work. (Maybe a little too often!)

Grandpa was also a Mason. Basically, he was one of that dying breed of men who, back in the 1940s and 1950s, belonged to several different fraternal organizations. It really seemed to be a necessity back then, career-wise.

Anyway, here is another recent shot of the Lorain Elks building at 203 Sixth Street. According to the City Directories, it was the address for a barber, as well as a few residents, in 1945. It wasn't listed as the address for the Elks until 1947 or so.

Recent photo of the Lorain Elks building


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts about the Lorain Elks Lodge. Our small Lodge is a far cry from once owning what is now the Antlers Hotel but we're still going strong after almost 100 years. We recently uncovered some great photographs of Admiral King being initiated into the Lodge. Thanks again. I really enjoy reading your blog daily. Jim Paterson. Past Exalted Ruler. BTW . . . The Lorain Elks are now on Facebook.

Dan Brady said...

Thanks, Jim - I appreciate it! Sorry I forgot to mention the Facebook connection (even though I'm an Elk FB buddy!)

Here is the link:


CraigB said...

My apologies for commenting 13 years too late. This was the residence of physician Abraham Garver in 1896.