Monday, June 13, 2022

Vermilion's Valley View Estates Ad – June 1962

It's always interesting seeing vintage real estates promoting a new housing development, subdivision or allotment. They capture that moment in time when everything was brand new, full of promise and at the peak of perfection.

Many of these types of ads have been featured on this blog over the years, including several for Rock Creek Run, Skyline East, Skyline Park (here and here), Kimberly Oaks, the Hoy-Lo-Mae Allotment, the Sherwood Allotment; and Knickerbocker Knolls and Lake Breeze Estates in Sheffield Lake.

Well, since I live in Vermilion it's only natural that I post ads for some of its neighborhoods. Here's one for Valley View Estates, "Vermilion's Finest New Home Area." It ran in the Journal back on June 2, 1962.

It looks like there were some nice amenities, including Valley View Swim Club for all residents and Valley View School.

I like the little graphic of the swimmer with sunglasses, which adds a glamorous touch to the proceedings.
I'm still learning about all of the different neighborhoods in Vermilion and how they evolved. A few years ago I did a little research for a friend at work whose grandparents owned a big farm dating back to the 1940s, on the west side of West River Road roughly opposite the Moe property. 
When finally sold, the farm became part of the Big Oaks Subdivision, which is just slightly south of Valley View Estates.


  1. Awww… I really envied the kids who lived in Vally View decades ago. They could linger after school and saunter home together and hang out, while us bus kids had to hustle out and pack in for the long, noisy ride home. And then there was their local pool… Back in the days we used to sunbathe. The other pool in Vermilion back then was behind Fisher’s Big Wheel at the YMCA. That’s the one me and my friends went to. Back then, I’d often see lots of kids walking around the neighborhood with beach towels slung around their necks and the younger ones with pool floats around their waists going to or from the pools.

  2. I grew up just north of valley view near the Wakefield brass works. We used to hike through the Moes orchard and down to the river in the late fall and winter.
