Friday, March 15, 2019

Golden Crescent Guide to Dining: Saddle Inn

Here’s another one of those old “Golden Crescent Guide to Dining and Dancing” advertising features that used to run regularly in the Journal. This one, which ran on March 14, 1969, shines the spotlight on the Saddle Inn in Avon Lake. (I’ve already posted ones profiling Elberta Inn, Presti’s, Amber Oaks and L’Auberge du Port.)

The article calls out Mrs. Leona as the “woman of the hour” at the Saddle Inn when it came to wedding planning, as well as ‘charming hostess’ Ruth Smith and chef Eddie Reed. Art Brown, a “gentleman’s gentleman,” is said to hold court at the bar, and Bernice Heston, a 75-year-old Amherst resident, is mentioned as playing the piano every Friday and Saturday.

Since St. Patrick’s Day is this Sunday, there’s an ad for McGarvey’s with that theme with the others shown above.

I’ve posted a few other ads for the Saddle Inn over the years, including these two (below).
I also did a “Then & Now” photo study of the former Saddle Inn here, and posted a Journal photo of the Inn, post-July 4, 1969 storm here.

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