Friday, March 15, 2019

St. Patrick's Day Baby – 1969

Well, St. Patrick's Day is on Sunday, so if you've been reading this blog for years then you know what that means to me. I'll have a nice corned beef sandwich for dinner, watch my Quiet Man DVD and contemplate my Irish heritage a bit.

Back on St. Patrick's Day 1969, the Journal celebrated the holiday with a front page photo of a baby born that very day at St. Joe's: Timothy Patrick Higgins.

The photo caption reads, "BEGORRA, 'TWAS a foine day for Timothy Patrick Higgins to arrive at St. Joseph Hospital. What with his daddy born on St. Patrick's Day too and his granddaddy born in County Derry in the Old Sod, St. Paddy himself must have been smilin'. Even Mommy has a drop of Irish blood. The rest of her ancestry is traced to a country which shall be nameless on this day, it being associated with a color not generally mentioned among the sons of Erin. Timothy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins, 2779 Cleveland Boulevard, Lorain. It's their second son. The first is named Thomas, after John's late father, the gentleman from County Derry. (Journal Photo by Terry Thomas.)"
The Higgins family moved to Amherst in the early 1970s, where Timothy's father enjoyed a fine political career as a city councilman, council president and two-term Mayor.
Here's hoping Timothy has a Happy 50th Birthday and St. Patrick's Day as well.

And a Happy 21st Birthday to my nephew Matthew Brady, also born on St. Patrick’s Day. Matthew is one of the Texas Bradys!

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