Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Citizens Home & Savings Assn Ad – Sept. 7, 1974

It's fall, and the squirrels are busy burying nuts at the condo where I live. (I know, because I've been watering some new shrubs and I see the tell-tale evidence in the mulch.) So this ad for Citizens Home and Savings Association featuring one of the bushy-tailed nut gatherers is pretty timely. It ran in the Journal on September 7, 1974.

It's kind of quaint with its stylized squirrel illustration. The little guy reminds me somewhat of Pearl the Squirrel (at right), although he's not quite so anthropomorphic. But the ad's theme – of putting money in a certificate savings account (or CD) – would probably be received with little enthusiasm today (although CDs are earning more than they did a few years ago). Various polls put the percentage of Americans living paycheck to paycheck from anywhere from two-thirds to three quarters. So there's not a lot of saving going on.

Citizens Home and Savings Association hasn't come up on this blog too often. This post featured a few of the organization's Christmas Club ads, as well as a 2012 photo of its building at 559 Broadway in Lorain, today the home of Fifth Third Bank.


  1. If I remember Citizens had large murals depicting Lorain industry on their walls…
    Neat stuff to look at as a kid in a bank. Todd

  2. We managed to save a little each month, even while living paycheck to paycheck. Though, not in a savings account where you gather an insultingly-low yield of interest. Low-fee index funds is where it's at. Even Warren Buffett agrees!

  3. Even just saving money without earning anything is good.Maybe $30.-$50 bucks a week in a jar somewhere adds up fast.Next thing you know you have a couple thousand dollars.But just don't let the wife raid the cookie jar.
