Thursday, October 12, 2023

P&H Home Ad – October 2, 1953

Here's yet another vintage model home ad that ran in the Lorain Journal with an illustration of a housewife expressing her approval at the prospect of a new house. The ad ran in the paper on October 2, 1953.

Unlike other new home ads posted here (such as this one or this one) that implied that a new home was the path to a glamorous lifestyle, this ad was refreshingly different. The apron-clad homeowner depicted in the ad was no Dorothy Malone lookalike; she was obviously a housewife and mother who would genuinely appreciate the house in the ad.

I had a hard time locating the model house shown in the ad, as there didn't seem to be a house on Kneirim Drive that looked like the architectural rendering with its distinctive roof line. 

But I finally found it during a Google Maps 'drive by.' The house actually has a Pickett Road address. But it still looks great and modern, seventy years later. It's a very nice neighborhood too, with a country feeling. ( I remember as a kid I thought that whole area on the edge of town, including Pickett Road, Surf Ave., etc. was the 'boonies.')

But what's a P & H Home?

The company that designed them was Pawling & Harnischfeger, commonly known as P&H. The firm was Milwaukee-based and offered a variety of styles of home designs.

Vintage P&H Homes Brochure


  1. Let's go shoot some hoops!

    "What are you doing here?"
    "Dan Brady sent me?"
    "Dan Brady."
    "Oh, that's different. Keep playing."

  2. Was that a pre-fab house? It looks like it might be. Either way, it's held up well.

    When I was a kid, parents hammered together a bunch of 1X4s and 2X4s into a backboard and hung the hoop on the garage. It added an extra element of out-of-bounds hazard into the game.

  3. I like the cover of the plan book. Stretching the modest home out a bit and using earth tones to make it look a bit like a Frank Lloyd Wright prairie home for a fraction of the cost.

  4. Dennis:

    Probably without a leaking roof, too!

  5. Dennis, you're right in that the P&H house on the brochure has the look of a Frank Lloyd Wright style. I really like it.

    And BTW, Don lives right next door to a FLW-designed house – lucky guy!

  6. Speaking of FLW - a person who owns one in Willoughby has the complete plans and license to build a second one next door. He has a beautiful lot for it overlooking the Chagrin River. All he needs is money. Would make a good project if you need to spend some of your Powerball winnings.

  7. "And BTW, Don lives right next door to a FLW-designed house – lucky guy!"

    The one in Oberlin?

  8. Oberlin?

    I'd rather not say.

    Y'know, in case I make people so mad they want to toilet-paper my house!
