Thursday, November 24, 2022

Journal Front Page – Thanksgiving 1962

Sixty years ago, there was a lot going on across the front page of the Thanksgiving edition of the Journal.

To the uninformed (like me), the headline seems to refer to the Cleveland Indians and the Cincinnati Reds and some trading deadline. But it was actually referring to a war that took place between China and India. You can learn more about it here.

As usual,  there was the expected, warmed-over holiday fare about the history of Thanksgiving. There's also a lighthearted observation about Santa Claus arriving four times in the next few days, at Hills (mentioned in yesterday's post), the O'Neil - Sheffield Shopping Center, Oakwood Shopping Center and Downtown.

In the seasonal lock-up report, the prisoners were feasting – not on bread and water – but on turkey (in the Lorain County Jail) and chicken in the Lorain City Jail. Interestingly, the Dew Drop Inn was supplying the poultry repast for Lorain's cellmates.

Elsewhere on the page was a report of a hunting accident in Amherst, a mysterious gas leak in Sheffield Township and the upcoming second Sabin Oral Vaccine Sunday.

And of course, Today's Chuckle.


  1. Thanks, Buster! Have a Happy Thanksgiving too!

  2. Notice the Index lists out to 64 pages.
    And that's a slow news day...

    Wow. Sure do miss those days!

  3. My uncle and cousins, the Maurice Ferraro family, were the subject of the gas leak story with the children pictured in the big above-the-fold photo!!

    This makes the umpteeth time that one of my Lorain relatives have been featured in Dan Brady's Lorain County Nostalgia Blogspot!

    Keep 'me coming, Dan!

  4. That hunting accident reminds me of when our ex Vice President "Dead Eye" Dick Cheney shot a fellow hunter with his shotgun on a hunt.Cheney and the other hunter both called it an "accident" too.
