Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 1962 Style

Here's wishing all of my readers a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Sixty years ago, the Journal ran the full page ad above on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 1962. As usual, the fun is seeing what companies and organizations are still around today.

Strangely, the ad is top-heavy with ads from our friendly neighbor to the south, Elyria, making it even less likely that I recognize a business that somehow survived until now. In fact, I don't see that any of them are still around. 

I'm just thankful that I'm still around.

Long-gone companies listed on the ad include the Elyria Travelodge, Giant Tiger, Will-O-Lee Nursing Home and Lorain Aluminum.

Anyway, here's hoping you have much to be thankful for on this day.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Dan.

  2. Thanks, Rae! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, if you're on the road, be safe, and love on your loved ones.

  4. Daniel

    Not to make you uncomfortable...
    But I'm thankful you've been at this blog for so long.
    Very few have the fortitude to stick with it the way you have.
    It's a truly remarkable achievement.

    I learn something every, single time I read your work.
    And it's used by many of us as the "first look" for county history.

    Thanks, pal.
    I appreciate your hard work.


  5. Thanks, Don – I appreciate it! And Happy Thanksgiving to you!
