Thursday, October 13, 2022

Pic-Way Self Serve Shoe Mart Ad – October 25, 1962

With all of the mass shootings and gun violence in the United States these days, the mere mention of guns often arouses apoplexy among those who are against them, even when used in sport hunting.

But obviously that wasn't the case sixty years ago, when this ad for Pic-Way Self-Serve Shoe Marts ran in the Journal on October 25, 1962.

The theme is "On Target for Savings," and the ad does depict a few hunting boots. But half of the styles in the ad are regular dress shoes.

I like the illustration of the hunter and his dog, which I assume is some kind of pointer.

Anyway, Pic-Way Shoes has shown up on this blog a few times. It's yet another pleasant memory of my youth.


  1. Pic-Way.
    All the time.
    I still prefer those kinds of shoe stores.
    As long as the inventory is kept under control.
    Have a size 9 and 10 (both left shoes) in the same box is a drag.

  2. Got my first pair of "Beatle Boots" there. Always fun to go to Hill's and Pic-Way "two for $5" Todd.

  3. 1962.......Shoes were still made in the good old USA....Before we got sold out by the "Man" and the boomer hippies.

  4. We used to call them "Pick-A-way" shoes because you could pick them away (apart).
