Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Fire Prevention Week – October 1962

Did you know that it's currently Fire Prevention Week? This year the annual week dedicated to raising fire safety awareness is from Sunday, October 9 to Saturday, October 15. 

Not only that, it's the 100th Anniversary of Fire Prevention Week. Note the special logo above, featuring our old pal Sparky the Fire Dog (who has been the subject of several posts on this blog).

(Click here to visit the National Fire Protection Association website to learn more about the organization's history, and more importantly, some fire safety tips. And of course, Sparky will be there too.)

Anyway, sixty years ago, the Journal featured the half-page ad below for Fire Prevention Week, sponsored by many local insurance companies. There's no appearance by Sparky in this dramatic and highly effective ad.

Unlike many vintage ads featuring sponsors, several of the companies are still around, (including my insurance company, Janasko Insurance Agency).

Take some time to think about fire safety this week, and every week.


  1. Back in grade skool, we used to draw posters for "Fire Prevention Week" with the best ones earning 5 bucks and a picture in the local scandal sheet.

    Never won. Never could. Even my stick men looked like spiders.

  2. Our family used Janasko for insurance too. I went to LC with Jim next time you see him tell him Todd says hey! FYI...You probably know this already he was in the band like you!
