Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Elyria Furniture Warehouse Ad – Oct. 6, 1962

I saw this ad for Elyria Furniture Warehouse, which ran in the Journal back on October 6, 1962 – and thought it was a riot.

Which is appropriate, because the theme of the ad is "Price-Riot." The illustration depicts the chaos of frenzied shoppers, with women wearing hats (not unlike Jackie Kennedy's) and gloves making a mad dash to take advantage of the discounts. One unfortunate woman has been knocked to the ground, losing her purse; a husband and wife are shown triumphantly carrying off what looks like a double oven.

There's a nice rendering of Elyria Furniture Warehouse, "the King of Discounters," located in Downtown Elyria at 1 East Avenue, at the bottom of the ad.

The business appears to have lasted until the early 1970s, according to online sources. I don't know Elyria very well, but by the looks of things (via Google Maps, that is), I don't think the building is still there today. But the concept of buying furniture in a warehouse, however, is more popular than ever.


  1. I see an old wringer washer among the modern ones! Must be a close out.

  2. Wringer washers were made by Maytag at least up until the early 1980s.They were getting scarce as everybody wanted a modern washing machine but they were still being made.
