Monday, January 24, 2022

Lake Breeze Estates Ad – January 28, 1961

Lake Breeze Road in Sheffield Lake, as well as its various housing developments through the years, have been a favorite topic on this blog. 

A four-part post featured the reminisces of Dr. B. W. Donaldson, whose father worked for the Johnson Steel Company and vacationed at the Lake Breeze resort area along with the other steel executives and their families in the late 1800s/early 1900s.

I’ve done posts on the summer cottages that were promoted there in the 1920s (here and here) as well as the modern housing developments of the late 1950s/early 1960s (here and here).

Well, here’s another ad for Lake Breeze Estates. It ran in the Lorain Journal back on January 28, 1961. It features the same illustration that was in the 1960 ad, but it reproduced a little lighter so you can get a better look at the house style.

Note the inclusion of the Dorothy Malone lookalike, also seen in the 1960 Rock Creek Run ads.

As noted by someone who kindly left on comment on my last post about Lake Breeze Estates, the house seen in the ad is actually the style of the homes on Knickerbocker Road, just off Lake Breeze. It’s a nice, simple style home, as well as being affordable, which is always a good thing. A drive through the area today reveals that each house is a little bit different, but with similar well-maintained yards.

1 comment:

  1. I always liked Dorothy Malone.She got shafted on TVs Peyton Place.Then sued the producers for breach of contract.Like Tim Misny would say,she made them pay!
