Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Make Way for the New Vermilion Comfort Station

Earlier this month, the house at 479 Main Street in Vermilion – the small white one right next to the beach – was razed to make way for a new comfort station and parking lot, part of the ongoing revitalization of Main Street Beach.

Mayor Jim Forthofer noted that the owners of the house, Linda and Bill Stuchal, had contacted him a few years ago and gave the city of Vermilion ‘first shot at acquiring this property for future park development.'

Although I have made many visits to the beach there in the past three years since I moved to Vermilion, I had already forgotten what the Stuchal house looked like! And since the house was located in Erie County (which listed it as being built in 1955), I couldn’t poach a photo from the Lorain County Auditor website like I usually do. 

Fortunately, Google Maps is there to provide a fairly recent view of the cute, tidy little cottage.

Here’s another view. (Thanks to Doug for the Google Maps shot).

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