Wednesday, March 18, 2020

National Taco Week – March 1970

Fifty years ago today, Lorain was just beginning to experience all of the excitement, unique culinary fare and colorful pageantry of National Taco Week.

National Taco Week?

I’ve never heard of it either, but in 1970 the celebration ran from March 18 to March 28 (which, curiously, is longer than a week).

Anyway, amigo, at least one local restaurant chain was part of the celebration then. Taco Kid ran the above ad in the March 20, 1970 edition of the Lorain Journal.

You might remember that I wrote about Taco Kid before. The chain was originally called Taco Boy and was started by the same gentleman who launched Olde English Fish ’n Chips. The name was later changed to Taco Kid (which I wrote about here).

I don’t think National Taco Week ever caught on. But apparently Cleveland liked the idea, and had been planning its own Cleveland Taco Week for April 6 - 12, 2020.

Hopefully the Coronavirus scare will have dissipated enough by then so Cleveland can have its celebration.

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