Tuesday, March 17, 2020

LK Restaurant Ad – March 3, 1970

Well, it was supposed to be Election Day today in Ohio, until it was postponed because of health concerns due to the Coronavirus. As a precinct election official in Lorain County, I got the phone call at 11:00 pm Monday night.

Here’s hoping that things are better virus-wise on June 2nd, which is the planned make-up date.

Anyway, in honor of the Election Day that wasn’t meant to be, here’s an ad for the LK Restaurant chain that ran in the Journal on March 3, 1970. The very simply-designed ad promotes a sandwich called “The LK President.”
Unfortunately, the ad doesn’t say what kind of sandwich it was. Was it a burger? The ad illustration (which is begging to be colored) makes it look like something breaded.
And why was it named “The President”? Was it because of its broad appeal and ability to be all things to all restaurant patrons?
At least the ad makes a nice play on words. Either that or it’s a typo.
The ad lists the two LK restaurants in the area at that time, on Leavitt Road in Amherst (which I wrote about here and in this multi-part series), as well as at the junction of Ohio State Route 10 and U.S. Route 20.

1 comment:

  1. My friends and I drank lots of coffee at the Leavitt Road location back in the day.
