Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Page Milk Ad – July 30, 1956

Although Lorain had plenty of local dairies selling and delivering their own milk back in the 1950s, that didn’t stop national and regional companies from advertising their own brand of milk and other dairy products in the Lorain Journal.

I guess you can’t blame these companies for trying. I’ve featured Sealtest ads on this blog before, as well as one for the Page brand of products.

Well, here’s another Page ad, with a unique approach to selling milk: as a beauty aid. It appeared in the Lorain Journal on July 30, 1956 – 63 years ago today.

Gee, I don’t think 20-year-olds look like that anymore (that is, if they ever did).
It’s kind of interesting that the Page milk carton in the ad features an illustration of an old-fashioned milk bottle. Perhaps it was to make the transition to a paper package more palatable to the consumer still used to a milk man.


  1. I had forgotten this brand; thanks, Dan!

  2. I found two articles related to Page Dairy that may be of some interest.



  3. Hi Jay! Thanks for posting the link to the Page Dairy website. I had no idea they were based in Toledo. There are a lot of great clippings and photos posted there by someone who obviously cares about the dairy and keeping its history and memories of it alive. It’s definitely worth a visit. Thanks again!

  4. The 20 year old young women used to look like that, (see old movies).

    Then we all got FAST FOOD!
    They blew-up like fat hogs ready for the butcher!

    I haven't eaten that junk in 20 year and at 68 years, 5-foot nine, I'm only about 135 pounds!
