Friday, April 19, 2019

Easter Bunny Visits Elyria Hospital – 1969

I couldn’t resist posting this photo, it’s so darned cute. It ran in the Journal on March 29, 1969, and shows the Easter Bunny stopping by in the children’s ward of Elyria Memorial Hospital to visit Julie and Jonie Smith, the four-year-old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith of Elyria. The girls sure look excited.

1968 Faroh’s ad
It’s kind of funny thinking back to the days when I believed in the Easter Bunny.

What I did think he looked like? I’m not sure. Unlike Santa Claus, there was no standard look for the holiday hare, although the costumed figures appearing at malls were usually white. I think kids just accepted him as is, not unlike a toddler at Disneyland being excited to see a five-foot tall costumed Mickey Mouse.

Apparently it didn’t bother me that real rabbits scampered around on four feet while the Easter Bunny walked upright on two. As long as he brought Faroh’s candy (and hard-boiled eggs, which were also in our baskets) I didn’t care.

It was all part of the fun and magic of the holiday, in the years before the religious significance sank in.

But I still think this Easter Bunny (from a 1964 Picway ad) is kinda creepy. He’s eyeing those kids a little too carnivorously. Plus he’s dressed like an undertaker.

1964 Picway Shoe Marts ad

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