Friday, April 19, 2019

Happy Easter!

Here’s wishing all of my readers and friends a Happy Easter!

Above is a Journal photo of one family's traditional pilgrimage to the Easter Basket in Lakeview Park, which ran in the paper on April 7, 1969.

Note that the photo caption refers to the theft of two of the eggs. Hope the thieves didn’t end up with hernias, seeing as the eggs weigh between 68 and 74 pounds.

By the way, the Morning Journal ran several photos of this year’s basket color scheme, which apparently hearkened back to a similar one from 1958.

Courtesy Morning Journal
Happily, Rona Proudfoot’s Flickr collection of new and recent Lorain Easter Basket photos is still up! (Click here to visit it). You can find a photo of that original 1958 version there! 
The Lakeview Park Easter Basket has long been a favorite topic on this blog.

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