Thursday, April 18, 2019

1969 Easter Ads

Easter is this Sunday, so here are a few vintage ads from Easter 1969 to put you in the holiday mood.

Dealership logo from mid-1960s
First up is the one above, a full page one for Midway Mall that ran in the Journal on March 21, 1969. It features a rather offbeat bunny perched on the Midway Mall logo. Note that the long-eared one was going to arrive in a Ray Faro 1969 Pontiac convertible; no firetruck or helicopter for him!
Ray Faro Pontiac advertised itself as "Lorain County’s largest Pontiac Dealer” and was located at 416 Middle Avenue in Elyria. 
Next up is an ad for one of my favorite blog topics: Amber Oaks. The ad ran in the Journal on April 3, 1969. At least Chef Bunny is not serving up his own kind (although who eats rabbit at Easter?)
(Hey, speaking of Amber Oaks – is it ever going to reopen?)
Lastly, here’s one of those full-page ads with sponsor businesses. It ran in the Journal on Easter Eve, April 5, 1969. I’m not sure if the entire family is blonde, or if the illustration was intended as a coloring page.
Not too many survivors from the listing of merchants unless you include successor banks. But at least Chris’ Restaurant is still around; I ate there a few weeks ago! (Note that in the ad, Chris’ was still located in the building on West Erie that up until a few years ago was home to Jack and Diane’s.)

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