Friday, December 15, 2017

Schenley Whiskey Ad – Dec. 5, 1952

I've mentioned before how it seems that the Lorain Journal ran liquor ads in its pages every day during the 1950s. A few of the whiskey brands became blog fodder, including Old Log Cabin (which I wrote about here and here) and PM Blended Whiskey.

Well, above is an ad for another whiskey brand: Schenley. The ad appeared in the Lorain Journal on Dec. 5, 1952. It features a nicely stylized snowman. (I love it when classic children's holiday icons sell adult products.)

Unfortunately, it appears that the Schenley brand melted away over the years.

According to this Wiki page, the liquor company was purchased by Guinness in the late 1980s. The brand has not been available in the United States for some time. It seems to have been discontinued in Canada as well over the last few years, although there are still some cases out there according to this website.

1 comment:

  1. Went to a Christmas show at the old Screw Factory in Lakewood over the weekend where local artists display and sell their creations. Saw a good-looking Schenley whiskey bottle as part of a framed art piece . . . right after reading about it on your blog. So, at least one such bottle was alive and well off Lakewood Hts. Blvd. in the venerable Screw Factory during the weekend of Dec. 15th.
