Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whistle Ad – December 17, 1947

Vintage sign currently on Ebay
Since I mentioned Canada Dry yesterday, here’s an ad for another soft drink that in days gone by was bottled in Lorain – Whistle.

The ad, which ran in the Lorain Journal on December 17, 1947 – 70 years ago this month – is quite charming, with chubby elves involved in wintertime antics. Gee, those guys really aren’t dressed for snow.

I did a two-part series on the Lorain Whistle Bottling Company back here in 2012. The company was located near the railroad tracks at 1138 Lexington Avenue.

Want to see some more Whistle advertising featuring the drink’s distinctive elves? Then you’ll have to visit this blog: Enchanted America: In Search of Elves, Fairies, And Other Mythical, Magical Beings, Places and Things Along the Highways & Byways of North America (whew, that’s a long one).

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