Friday, September 25, 2015

Kreamery Kitchens Ad – September 1975

Most of the fine people who read this blog remember getting ice cream cones at the Lorain Creamery, and later, enjoying great sundaes and milk shakes at the Old English Parlour there as well. It was an iconic Lorain business and a real symbol of Lorain’s glory days.

I suppose it will take at least another generation for those memories to completely fade.

The Lorain Creamery was a favorite topic on this blog in its first year. I did a multi-part series of posts that year beginning here, and following through here, here, here, here and here.)

Somehow in that blog series, I missed the fact that the Creamery's little dairy store was called Kreamery Kitchens – the subject of the September 19, 1975 ad that ran in the Lorain Journal 40 years ago this month.

The ad sure makes its goodies sound good: donuts, chocolate milk and farm-fresh dairy products. Nice light, hearty fare.

Anyway, time marches on – and in the past few years, the Creamery complex has been used as a used car lot (below) and more recently, a used appliance store.


  1. The cherry ice cream was called "White House." I've never heard it called that anywhere else. We always went there after my tap dance class with Miss Lilly. Lorain Creamery also had a sign that said "You can whip our cream, but you can't beat our milk."

  2. I never heard it called that anywhere else, either; my mother used to buy pints of it from the milkman, as she was the only one in our family who liked it.

    My personal favorite was chocolate marshmallow, which I hadn't seen for years until I came down here- a chain of ice cream shoppes called Braum's carries it, and it's as good as Lorain Creamery's was.
