Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Castle 6th Anniversary Ad – July 4, 1952

Here's a nice graphic newspaper ad for the beloved Lorain landmark restaurant The Castle On The Lake from July 4, 1952.

The ad celebrates the sixth anniversary of the restaurant by the then-owners.

I like the ad because of its use of illustrations and hand-lettering. They combine to create a mood of elegance and sophistication.

It's too bad that era of dining is probably gone forever in Lorain.

Anyway, the Castle On The Lake as a restaurant dates back to at the very least the early 1940s. The ad below for "Ohio's Newest Dinner Dance Club" ran in the Chronicle-Telegram on Sept. 9, 1941.

Sept. 9, 1941 Chronicle-Telegram advertisement
The Castle is a favorite topic on this blog, with a multi-part history (here) that ran back in 2010, a few ads (here and here), as well as a great article by Bill Scrivo about the history of the place (here).

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