Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weather-Seal Ad – July 1, 1949

Today's vintage ad for Weather-Seal windows and screens (at left) is also from the July 1, 1949 Lorain Journal, just like the Kramer's Grill ad I posted yesterday.

The ad features a bow-tie-wearing mosquito as its advertising mascot. I guess they were trying to make something that you'd normally try to kill a little more likable.

Anyway, a quick Google search reveals many, many different companies and products out there with names combining 'weather' and 'seal' – except for the company in the ad, apparently. Perhaps the unappealing mascot 'sealed' its fate.

And what about the 2223 Broadway address? Today it's the home of Tim's Place.

Mosquitoes haven't been the problem at my house on Route 6 for the past few months; instead, it's been the midges. Instead of their normal weeklong period of annoying lakefront residents, the winged nuisances hung around my yard in Sheffield Lake for most of May and June. Every time we'd open the sliding door to the deck, a dozen would sneak into the house.

Then a few weeks ago, the lake flies finally arrived for their summer vacation. The two groups of flying pests hung out together (in my yard at least) for a few weeks before most (but not all) of the midges finally expired. Now it's mostly just the lakeflies, mistaking me for the side of a building while I mow my yard, and clogging up our bird fountain as well.

Did I say I like living by the lake?

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