Thursday, December 30, 2010

Then and Now: the House on North Ridge

I mentioned back here how my Admiral King High School art teacher, Mr. Frank Hicks, had us keep a sketchbook around 1974. He would give us a list of addresses of homes and businesses, and we could pick and choose which ones we wanted to draw.

I've kept the drawings all these years, and once in a while I drive by some of the locations to see if the buildings are still there. A few of the businesses are gone, but the homes tend to still be around, like the one above.

It's on North Ridge Road just west of Elmwood Cemetery. I've admired this stately home since I first drew it. According to information on the Lorain County Auditor website, the house dates from 1874 (a century before I drew it).

Anyway, here is my recent photo. I had to wait until it snowed, and for the sun to be just right, so that it would match the setting of the original.

It's still a beautiful home and well-maintained.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful art project, with lasting historical value. Great post!
