Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, it's the end of another year! Hope 2010 was a good one for you, and that 2011 is even better! (Sure is strange to see those numbers and realize we don't have those flying cars yet!)

The above photo is of our family's 1972 New Year's Eve party. My parents never went out for New Year's Eve, preferring to have our own get-together at home. (Dig those party hats!) That meant shrimp cocktails and other once-a-year goodies, and a big jigsaw puzzle to keep us all busy until midnight! Then we would watch the ball come down in Times Square on TV. Once in a while, Dad would open up the window or front door to listen for church bells.
It was a good year for this blog. I had a lot of nice and interesting posted comments and emails from regular readers and fellow bloggers, and that makes it all worthwhile and a lot more fun. I'll be highlighting some of that feedback in the next few days.

Special thanks to Tom Skoch, Editor of the Morning Journal for his invitation to join the Community Media Lab lineup of local blogs. He's working hard to make sure the Morning Journal continues to evolve and thrive in this digital age, and I'm happy that this blog has a home on the Lab page of the hometown newspaper.

I've got some great topics in store for 2011 that I've been researching, although I never got around to all the topics that I mentioned in last year's year-end message. Oops! Maybe I'd better do some of those first!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!!
    New Year's 2011 Fireworks Celebrations Around the World
    Demo on YouTube
