Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sights of the Season

Although Christmas has come and gone, it's still the holiday season! So here's a few shots from around Lorain on Christmas Eve. Click on each for a closer look.

I was bummed to see that this Lorain Rotary Club sign has a big crack in it! (I was tempted to retouch the photo – but I decided to go with raw realism!)

I see the nativity scene in Veterans Park still has to be protected from vandals with a wire screen. Too bad.

At least if I jam the camera through an opening in the screen, I can get a nice, clean image. By the way, I wonder what happened to Joseph?

Driving by this place on Christmas Eve, I couldn't resist taking a shot. Yala's is still the number one thing that ex-Lorainites miss the most about their hometown.
The annual Light Up Lorain Christmas decorations are still a big morale booster, even if some of the decorated buildings are empty. This Santa is in a window of the Broadway Building on the US 6 side.
And seeing Lakeview Park all decorated makes a Lorainite feel good too.

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