Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bob's Donuts: a few more crumbs

On the day that Bob's Donuts closed for good at the end of December 2002, I made sure I stopped in for some final goodies, and to say goodbye to some of their great counter help. I remember how packed it was that day.
  They were giving away little Bob's Donut & Chicken Drive-In order books as souvenirs - and I've still got mine! (See above.)
   For a while in the 1990s, every Friday I used to bring a dozen of Bob's Donuts to where I work in Cleveland. None of my co-workers had ever heard of Bob's, and they were intrigued that the store made donuts and chicken. One of my co-workers would always come in, see the white box of donuts and ask: "Are those Bob's chicken donuts?"

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