Monday, April 6, 2009

Missing Bob's Donuts

After reading in the Morning Journal about the sale of the building that used to be the home of Bob's Donuts, I couldn't believe it has been more than 6 years since it closed. I still miss their great glazed fried cakes and bread. And their creme sticks. And their cruellers.
   Judging by the comments left on the Morning Journal's website, I'm not the only one that misses Bob's Donuts terribly. Wouldn't it be great if someone bought Bob's recipes and opened a new bakery?
  Until that happens, Lenny Camera made me aware of another great Lorain bakery that is still in business, Bill's Bakery at 2925 Grove Avenue. Their donuts, cookies and bread are excellent.


  1. Bill's used to have some great raisin rolls.

  2. I need the recipe for the Hot Cross Buns!

  3. When I worked at Almira Tire in the early 80's, lunch some days was chicken and their delicious Jo-Jo fries. I miss that place.
