Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter!

Well, it's Easter time again! And if you're a Lorainite, that means it's time to grab the camera and take the family down to Lakeview Park for the traditional photo by Lorain's famous concrete Easter Basket! (If it's not snowing, that is.)
   My family did it for years back in the 1950s and 1960s. The shots are great because there are so many strangers in the photos. So I guess my family must be in their shots too.
   If you would like to see a fantastic collection of Lorain Easter Basket photos, then head over to Rona Proudfoot's photography website. She not only is a very talented photographer (check out her online portfolio), but also she has created a great collection of old-and-new Lorain Easter Basket photos. You can upload your own family photos by the Easter Basket to her website too. To visit this great site, click here

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