Thursday, June 22, 2023

Pepsi, For Those Who Think Young – June 1963

Do you prefer Coke – or Pepsi? (Or maybe even RC Cola?)

While I was growing up in the 1960s and 70s, Pepsi was the cola you'd find in the Brady refrigerator, although we only drank it on weekends, usually with our Yala's pizza on Friday night. 

I still prefer Pepsi to Coke to this very day. Admittedly, I have a sweet tooth – and Pepsi Cola Made with Real Sugar is like the Nectar of the Gods to me. Yessir, addiction is a terrible thing.

So why did Mom buy Pepsi in the first place? Unlike ads for Hill Brothers Coffee and the Oldsmobile Cutlass, I don't think the Pepsi advertisement below influenced her. It ran in the Lorain Journal back on June 27, 1963.

Even sixty years ago, soft drinks like Pepsi were positioning themselves as something that was part of a youthful lifestyle. 

Here's a little better look at the Pepsi ad. This trade magazine version of it happens to be on eBay right now.

And here's a full-page 1963 magazine ad fresh from eBay with the same theme. Those might be the same models (they're in the same swimsuits, either way).

It seems that right about then in the 1960s, Pepsi decided to become the soft drink for the beach crowd – and continued that theme for a while. Here's a commercial from 1967.
And here's an accompanying print ad.
Anyways, beach babes or not, it seems that Pepsi has never been able to catch up with Coke in sales, despite the Brady family's loyal support in Lorain. But what's interesting is that later this year, Pepsi will return to its roots and revise its logo to restore more of a classic look in honor of the brand's 125th anniversary. Here's the fizzy lowdown on the food website.
I like the logo a lot. And I'll continue my unwavering support of Pepsi with Real Sugar.

I wrote about some of my Pepsi memories back here.


  1. Sorry Dan but I’m a Coke guy but I’m with you on the real sugar and I’m partial to glass bottles as well. Costco sells good old fashioned real sugar coke in tall bottles by the case. Now for me that’s heaven! The only thing better would be if I could get a Yala’s pizza in Nashville. Todd

  2. Yep - love Pepsi made with real sugar!

  3. Pepsi in returnable bottles for my family growing up. Eliseo's pizza on Friday's on the east side.

  4. I was in Ottawa, Canada, for a conference (back when I was a scientist). A bunch of us went to a local pizza place. One of us asked the waitress if they had Coke or Pepsi.
    She said, immediately, "You're from the States."
    I asked how she knew.
    "Because," she replied, "only people from the United States care if it's Coke or Pepsi."

    I don't drink too much pop, but when I do, I'm more of a root beer kind of guy. Dr. Pepper will do, in a pinch. Though a ginger ale is nice, too. I'm partial to Vernor's, especially when it's mixed with a little bit of brown liquor.

    But if I *had* to pick between Pepsi and Coke, it'd be Coke. In a 6-oz bottle. So cold that it hurts your teeth. With a small bag of half-burnt and greasy Wise Potato Chips.

  5. I don't drink a lot of pop these days , but it was generally Coke for me, although I wouldn't turn down an ice-cold Pepsi.
    Back then, Pepsi had a really cool commercial, with an Amphicar.

  6. Coke for me.But lately Marcs has been having a 6 pack of 24 ounce bottles of Pepsi on sale so I've been drinking Pepsi instead.And Yala's never did anything for me.I tried one about a month ago over all the hype I always hear.I threw half of it away.It just tastes so bland and there's not enough sauce on it.Now Elisio's is the bomb.Lots of sauce.It's pretty much a current day version of the old Lusca's Pizza on Broadway from yesteryear.

  7. Pepsi discovered the importance of the youth market about this time - recognizing the hordes of us baby boomers. Also, the outdoor, California lifestyle depicted was a theme not only in ads but in music (Beach Boys) and films (beach movies).

    My immediate family drank Coke in the 6-ounce bottles. My mother's parents insisted on Pepsi. Made no difference to me.

  8. Alan's Amphicar Commercial:

    It is pretty cool, but I'm not sure about hitting the water that fast in one of those things. I knew a guy who owned one and it was gentle into the water, or it'd roll up over the trunk-end and nearly swamp it.

  9. ...I prefer Coke, but if Pepsi is what they got, then I'm perfectly happy with that. And one thing I'll never forget from the Pepsi ads of old is the music - "Music To Watch Girls By" from the Bob Crewe Generation.
