Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Reddy for Valentine's Day 1953

Seventy years ago, our old pal Reddy Kilowatt was doing his bit to, er, spark some ideas for special Valentine's Day gifts. Our favorite electrical sprite thoughtfully suggested a wide variety of Westinghouse Appliances designed to "help her work with greater ease" in the ad above, which ran in the Lorain Journal back on Feb. 5, 1953.

There's some great items there, but they weren't cheap when you compare their 1953 price to what they would cost in today's sad, inflated greenbacks. The Westinghouse Roaster Oven sold back then for $42.95. Today, that same roaster would burn through your hard-earned cash to the tune of $470!

But there's good news tonight if you wanted to cook a meal retro-style in the very same roaster that Reddy was recommending. It's on eBay right now for only $60!


  1. Give appliances as Valentines?
    Sounds like something close to dumb to me!

    1. Agreed; about the only thing worse would be a vacuum cleaner.

  2. There has always been a double standard for gift exchanges between spouses. It is perfectly acceptable for a man to receive a new hammer or saw, but it's not acceptable to give a lady a vacuum or cookware.

  3. I agree with anonymous.Especially with today's woke mob mentality.Women want to be treated equal so if they give a tool to a man why not give a tool back?Half of them are divorced so they need to learn how to fix up their own house or car.If you give them chocolates or flowers they still might take it the wrong way.It's just that women still don't know what they want out of life after being miserable for thousands of years.They want to dress up in skimpy outfits,but if a man looks he's considered a pervert.And then if the man doesn't look he's still considered a weirdo.They all want to be like Rihanna performing at the Super Bowl.They want to be vulgar and filthy at the same time just like Rihanna was and then if you call her out on it, you're the bad guy.So it's damned if you do and damned if you don't.But the reality is that half the women today can't even cook a can of soup in a microwave much less would know how to use that Roaster Oven.

  4. A simple roaster oven has started the He-Man Woman Haters Club back up.

  5. He man woman haters club was from the Little Rascals right?I think it was in the Darla Hood era.

  6. Yep, it was Darla who won the soap box derby race, which gave "women" the right to join the haters club. Good times

  7. If you want to know the real problem with this country, look no further than some of the comments above

  8. Mom could never afford an electric roaster. If she was doing a bunch of stuffed cabbage for a party she would have to borrow one. Then heaven help you if it got broken. Ovens were tiny back then and for a Holiday dinner you could really use the roaster and the cart it sat on. People now forget how a generation went through a depression and a war.
