Monday, January 9, 2023

Lawson's Krazy Kow Karton – January 1973

Back in November on this blog, I featured the Jerzee Moo Cow Creamer – a cow-shaped container that the Ohio-based Defiance Milk Products distributed as a promotional item in the fall of 1972.

While the idea of pouring milk out of a cow's mouth might be udderly disgusting to some, Lawson's must have thought it was a good idea. Why else would they come up with the Krazy Kow Karton, a carton with little fold out ears and horns, for their chocolate flavored skim milk?

The ad below (from the January 17, 1973 Journal) shows a disembodied hand (not unlike the Thing on The Addams Family TV show) pouring the Krazy Kow Karton. 

I can't tell if the little boy in the ad is giddy with excitement, or ready to barf.

Anyway, a quick search on the internet reveals that apparently none of these things still exist, fifty years later. It's not hard to understand why, since it's the thing that nightmares are made of.
Yes, if I have to remember a Lawson's milk carton, I'd much rather think of this non-bovine one, (courtesy of It's like an old friend.


  1. I think that my mind blanked out that entire incident; Lorain in the early Seventies was strange enough as it was.

  2. IF they designed the carton to produce milk in an anatomically correct manner, do you think they woulda sold more?

  3. "I can't tell if the little boy in the ad is giddy with excitement, or ready to barf." - The artwork does suggest the latter interpretation, and rightfully so.

  4. Reminds me of the TV show "Mad Men".At least they were trying to be creative.And making that milk cartoon had to slow the assembly line process down a little bit.Back when there were little jingles in our steps.I like it.

  5. You're right, it is creative, even if I'm not Krazy about the execution. It's still better than what Don Hilton is (ugh) hinting at, a bottle with some sort of rubber nipple on it!
